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Parent-powered Playground Day

Some of you may remember our last Parent-powered Playground Day, where we came together to inject a dose of colour, greenery and interest into our shiny new (but quite spartan) playground space. We featured some photos on our Facebook page and in our Autumn term welcome message.

As spring is literally on the verge of springing, it feels like a great time for another playground spruce up, with more planters to be planted, and more colourful laser cut shapes to be affixed to the perimeters.

Come join us on Saturday 11th March from 10am - it's a great way to meet fellow parents, and will almost definitely involve biscuits! Many hands make light work, so if enough of us get together we can probably get everything done in a couple of hours or so.

Cordless drill owners are PARTICULARLY welcome :-)

See you there.

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