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We came, we saw, we quizzed.

Quiz Night 2019 was a huge success! We ate. We drank. We had no idea what a GIF stood for, and most importantly, we raised £2,259 for the schools STEM initiatives!

Together we raised enough money to cover all of the expenses associated with new equipment, Raspberry Pi coders, and specialists speakers to give presentations to the kids. How fantastic that our kiddos who will surely think our Graphic Interchange Formats will be completely antiquated, are getting a leg up on possibly coding their own.

This night could not have been made possible without an army of volunteers. HUGE thank you to our Quiz Master Matt, bar tenders Sarah & Jamie and especially Laura Heaton. Laura ran a flawless event from start to finish, fed the masses brilliantly, and then had to relieve the babysitter so couldn't even get the proper kudos from the folks at House of Tippler! Thank you Laura!

With this year in the books, we can only look forward to Quiz Night 2020 by relentlessly studying pop culture, history, and the full names of all our favourite characters.


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