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 Quiz Night 2022: buy your tickets now!

 Friday 7th October 

Doors & Bar from 7.00pm

Quiz begins 8.00pm


Tickets are £10 suggested donation per person.

(We have reduced the ticket price this year and will not be serving pizza; but plenty of drinks and snacks will be available for purchase at the bar.)


We accept all credit cards, no PayPal account needed. 


Please follow the two step process below:


​1. Please enter the grown-up participant(s) names and child's year group(s). Hit Submit!


2. Please submit your donation by clicking on the PayPal button below to enter your PayPal or credit card details. (Please enter the number of tickets again here.) 


*To make a different donation amount, head over to our Donate page and enter your amount.

Remember to add your name(s) and child's year group(s)*


​Thank you - see you there!


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Don't forget to donate below
Tickets are a voluntary suggested donation

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