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Create Your Own Holiday Cards!

Find your felt tips! Wrestle those wax crayons and channel your inner artist! Well, not you, but the children. DIY Holiday Cards are here!

Grandparents, friends, neighbours and family will delight in receiving a card with your little one's original artwork in the post. Not to mention the wrapping paper, sticky notes, mouse mat and chocolate bars!

On Fri 24 September your child will have an IQ Cards Design form template in their bag with an order form on the back and a leaflet showing you order options – you can choose anything from cards to a Christmas mouse mat! Imagine how proud they will be to see their own designs in card, or chocolate bar, form!

Plus for each purchase, the school sees a BIG portion of the proceeds! At least 20%! Not only will your cards and mouse mat be a treasured keepsake, but also a fantastic fundraiser for the school. Simply a feel good project, all around.

If you would like some bespoke cards designed by your mini ones fair hands, let them do their worst! Ideally using bright coloured pencils, crayons, pens or water based paints – use bright colours and fill the page leaving a 1 cm gap all the way round the edge as this is often cropped off.

Do NOT photocopy the form, stick/staple it, use grey pencil, glitter, metallic ink or collage.

Please see order form for design instructions.

When their masterpiece is completed, on the reverse of the form fill in your order request. Add your child’s details including name and class.

Log onto the FoHPED website HERE to complete your order details (including childs name, class and order form number) and pay in full – if full funds are not received you order cannot be placed.

Send the design sheet and order form back into school BEFORE THURS 7 OCTOBER* as this is the day all forms will be collected. Any later and they will not be processed.

Your products will be ordered and returned to the school in late November and will be sent home with the children in their bags.

To reiterate, follow these steps below to get your own personalised Holiday cards, gift wrap & gifts!

  1. Create masterpiece using provided design form and using only approved materials and design specs.

  2. Fill out the back of the order form.

  3. Head HERE to complete the contact details (don't forget the order form number!) and pay in full.

  4. Return artwork and form to school by October 7.

  5. Come November, enjoy the masterpiece that is your final product!

*There is a misprint on the order form. The deadline is NOT Friday 8th October, as that is an Inset Day.


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