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T'was the Night Before Christmas

2020 was an (nope, not going to say unprecedented, just won't do it) incredible year. We saw hardships unlike most of us have ever seen. We banded together while apart. We showered family and friends with love and Zoom quizzes. And we took on roles we thought we may never have to take on. Looking at you, home school teacher.

However strange it may have been, 2020 fostered incredible human connection. We said goodbye to a beloved Principal and watched the administration and teachers rise beautifully to the occasion. We continued to raise much needed funds to support the students of Harris Primary East Dulwich and fostered the competitive community spirit through the love of scavenger hunts.

This year, with all the changes, tragedy, pain and loss, forced us to look at our past in a new light. Whether it was reevaluating how many times we touch our face, or how many times we call our loved ones.

Perhaps then, it was most fitting that we closed out the year with a fresh take on a beloved tale, written by one of our very own talented parents, specifically for the children and staff. Read by Father Christmas, himself.

Wishing you all a peaceful 2021.

Without further ado:

"T'was the Night Before Christmas at Harris Primary East Dulwich"

by Suzanne Hemming.


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