Dec 14, 2015
Raffle winners announced
The Friends of HPED are pleased to announce the winning tickets from today's raffle, which was drawn after the school's super-cute...

Nov 28, 2015
Christmas movie night announced!
Tickets are on sale for our first ever Christmas movie event after school on Friday 11th December. As well as a fantastic festive film,...

Nov 23, 2015
Raffle tickets at the ready!
The second ever FoHPED raffle is about to get underway with tickets on sale from 1st December! Only £1 per ticket, or £10 for a book of...

Nov 2, 2015
Raise money whilst Christmas shopping
Only one more payday til Christmas, people! Why not get your Christmas shopping sorted AND raise money for the school at the same time?...

Oct 18, 2015
The legendary HPED cake sale returns!
Ok, so whilst the presentation may not be *quite* as fancy as this stock picture would suggest, we can promise that the forthcoming HPED...