Jan 29, 2020
Bingo & (Power) Ballads
For 2020, we decided to kick the adult events up a notch.... and by 'kick it up a notch' we mean bingo and power ballads. That's right,...

Dec 12, 2016
A wonderful Christmas Grotto
We were completely thrilled with the turn out at our first Harris Primary East Dulwich Christmas Grotto on Saturday: Santa gave out over...

Nov 13, 2016
FoHPED pub quiz a resounding success!
For those who didn't make it to last Friday's inaugural FoHPED pub quiz, you missed a night to remember! Judged by all who attended to...

Jul 6, 2016
So! Many! Superheroes!
Our Summer Superhero Day was a roaring success: A gorgeous sunny morning, cakes and ice-creams a-plenty, tonnes of superhero training...
Dec 14, 2015
Raffle winners announced
The Friends of HPED are pleased to announce the winning tickets from today's raffle, which was drawn after the school's super-cute...

Nov 23, 2015
Raffle tickets at the ready!
The second ever FoHPED raffle is about to get underway with tickets on sale from 1st December! Only £1 per ticket, or £10 for a book of...

Jul 11, 2015
A Fabulous First Funday
Glorious July sunshine was just one of the many highlights of the first Friends of HPED Funday. Toddlers bounced on the bouncy castle,...

Jun 29, 2015
Raffle prizes announced!
Put your lucky pants on - the prizes for the first Friends of HPED raffle have just been announced! We've had fantastic support from...

Jun 19, 2015
Summer Fun Day
We're holding a Fun Day after school on Friday 10th July from 3.30pm at the adventure playground in Peckham Rye Park - right opposite our...

Jun 19, 2015
Welcome picnic for the 2015 Intake
We've organised a get-together in the arboretum (fenced picnic area) of Peckham Rye Park on Sunday June 28th from 2pm Existing families...