A Fabulous First Funday

Glorious July sunshine was just one of the many highlights of the first Friends of HPED Funday. Toddlers bounced on the bouncy castle, primary-schoolers scoffed goodies from the cake stall, parents snaffled bargains at the 50p second-hand toy stall, and the face-painting-and-glitter-tattoo team were kept very busy indeed. Oh, and there was raffle-ticket-selling a-plenty, too!
The HPED community of parents, pupils and staff was there in force, but everyone was welcome and it was great to see lots of other local families enjoying themselves.
As 5pm approached, the sense of anticipation started to mount, and a crowd gathered as our FoHPED chair picked out the winning tickets for our long list of raffle prizes (augmented by late donations from AJ Farmer and Just William toys). The numbers drawn were: 88, 128, 137, 185, 189, 285, 329, 366, 375, 429, and 632. All winners have now been notified - congratulations!
The Friends of Harris Primary ED committee is thrilled to announce that circa £1500 was raised - a pretty amazing achievement for a tiny school.
Huge thanks go out to everyone who made the Funday such a success - those involved in organising, our headline sponsor Jacksons, all of the other wonderful local businesses who so generously donated raffle prizes, and of course everyone who came and enjoyed the fun!