And, we're back!
What were the joyous noises we kept hearing all of September? Could it have been the sounds of happy children running to meet their friends in the playground? Or the sounds of grown-ups saying a socially distant good morning to each other? Or was it the sounds of adults skipping down the pavement and doing a jig whist the little ones go off to class? Either way, what a great start to the 20/21 school year!
The first month of the school year has passed and we can hardly believe it. Over in FoHPED land, we've been having some great discussions around how we can continue to support the school in our current environment. We are mindful that folks might be over participating in Zoom Quizzes. Never fear! We have some other ideas.
Fancy a cocktail (and mocktail!) making class? How does a Halloween Scavenger Hunt sound? We've got a lot of fun events in the making. We would love your help and ideas! Please join us at our first meeting on Wednesday, October 7 @ 8PM. Zoom (of course) details will be sent out via WhatsApp.
For those of you who aren't familiar with who we are and what we do, please see a quick infographic below.
Cheers to what will be a different, but still wonderful, year!